Astra Linux SE

Детальный разбор дистрибутивов и других UNIX-like ОС

Модераторы: Olej, bellic, adminn, vikos

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 21338
Зарегистрирован: 24 сен 2011, 14:22
Откуда: Харьков
Контактная информация:

Re: Astra Linux SE

Непрочитанное сообщение Olej » 28 авг 2019, 16:08

Olej писал(а):Java

Код: Выделить всё

olej@astra:~$ aptitude search jdk
p   default-jdk                                                  - Standard Java or Java compatible Development Kit                       
v   default-jdk-builddep                                         -                                                                        
p   default-jdk-doc                                              - Standard Java or Java compatible Development Kit (documentation)       
p   default-jdk-headless                                         - Standard Java or Java compatible Development Kit (headless)            
p   gcj-6-jdk                                                    - GCJ and Classpath development tools for Java(TM)                       
p   gcj-jdk                                                      - gcj and Classpath development tools for Java(TM)                       
p   openjdk-8-demo                                               - Java runtime based on OpenJDK (demos and examples)                     
p   openjdk-8-doc                                                - OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) documentation                            
p   openjdk-8-jdk                                                - OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK)                                          
p   openjdk-8-jdk-headless                                       - OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK) (headless)                               
p   openjdk-8-jre                                                - OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT                                
p   openjdk-8-jre-headless                                       - OpenJDK Java runtime, using Hotspot JIT (headless)                     
p   openjdk-8-jre-zero                                           - Alternative JVM for OpenJDK, using Zero/Shark                          
Olej писал(а):Erlang

Код: Выделить всё

olej@astra:~$ aptitude search erlang
p   erlang                                                       - Concurrent, real-time, distributed functional language                 
v   erlang-abi-15.b                                              -                                                                        
v   erlang-abi-17.0                                              -                                                                        
p   erlang-asn1                                                  - Erlang/OTP modules for ASN.1 support                                   
p   erlang-base                                                  - Erlang/OTP virtual machine and base applications                       
p   erlang-base-hipe                                             - Erlang/OTP HiPE enabled virtual machine and base applications          
p   erlang-common-test                                           - Erlang/OTP application for automated testing                           
p   erlang-corba                                                 - Erlang/OTP applications for CORBA support                              
p   erlang-crypto                                                - Erlang/OTP cryptographic modules                                       
p   erlang-debugger                                              - Erlang/OTP application for debugging and testing                       
p   erlang-dev                                                   - Erlang/OTP development libraries and headers                           
p   erlang-dialyzer                                              - Erlang/OTP discrepancy analyzer application                            
p   erlang-diameter                                              - Erlang/OTP implementation of RFC 6733 protocol                         
p   erlang-doc                                                   - Erlang/OTP HTML/PDF documentation                                      
v   erlang-doc-html                                              -                                                                        
p   erlang-edoc                                                  - Erlang/OTP module for generating documentation                         
p   erlang-eldap                                                 - Erlang/OTP LDAP library                                                
p   erlang-erl-docgen                                            - Erlang/OTP documentation stylesheets                                   
p   erlang-et                                                    - Erlang/OTP event tracer application                                    
p   erlang-eunit                                                 - Erlang/OTP module for unit testing                                     
p   erlang-goldrush                                              - small Erlang app that provides fast event stream processing            
p   erlang-gs                                                    - Erlang/OTP graphics system                                             
p   erlang-ic                                                    - Erlang/OTP IDL compiler                                                
p   erlang-ic-java                                               - Erlang/OTP IDL compiler (Java classes)                                 
p   erlang-inets                                                 - Erlang/OTP Internet clients and servers                                
p   erlang-jiffy                                                 - JSON NIFs (Native Implemented Functions) for Erlang                    
p   erlang-jinterface                                            - Java communication tool to Erlang                                      
p   erlang-lager                                                 - logging framework for Erlang                                           
p   erlang-manpages                                              - Erlang/OTP manual pages                                                
p   erlang-meck                                                  - mocking library for Erlang                                             
p   erlang-megaco                                                - Erlang/OTP implementation of Megaco/H.248 protocol                     
p   erlang-mnesia                                                - Erlang/OTP distributed relational/object hybrid database               
p   erlang-mode                                                  - Erlang major editing mode for Emacs                                    
p   erlang-nox                                                   - Erlang/OTP applications that don't require X Window System             
p   erlang-observer                                              - Erlang/OTP application for investigating distributed systems           
p   erlang-odbc                                                  - Erlang/OTP interface to SQL databases                                  
p   erlang-os-mon                                                - Erlang/OTP operating system monitor                                    
p   erlang-p1-cache-tab                                          - in-memory cache application for Erlang / Elixir apps                   
p   erlang-p1-iconv                                              - fast encoding conversion library for Erlang / Elixir                   
p   erlang-p1-mysql                                              - pure Erlang MySQL driver                                               
p   erlang-p1-oauth2                                             - Erlang library for server side implementation of OAuth2                
p   erlang-p1-pam                                                - pam authentication and accounting management for Erlang                
p   erlang-p1-pgsql                                              - Pure Erlang PostgreSQL driver                                          
p   erlang-p1-sip                                                - SIP library for Erlang                                                 
p   erlang-p1-sqlite3                                            - SQLite3 wrapper for Erlang applications                                
p   erlang-p1-stringprep                                         - erlang interface to stringprep                                         
p   erlang-p1-stun                                               - STUN library for Erlang                                                
p   erlang-p1-tls                                                - native TLS / SSL driver for Erlang / Elixir                            
p   erlang-p1-utils                                              - set of small Erlang libraries                                          
p   erlang-p1-xml                                                - XML utilities for Erlang                                               
p   erlang-p1-yaml                                               - erlang wrapper for libyaml C library                                   
p   erlang-p1-zlib                                               - erlang interface to zlib                                               
p   erlang-parsetools                                            - Erlang/OTP parsing tools                                               
p   erlang-percept                                               - Erlang/OTP concurrency profiling tool                                  
p   erlang-proper                                                - QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing tool for Erlang             
p   erlang-proper-dev                                            - QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing tool for Erlang - developmen
p   erlang-proper-doc                                            - QuickCheck-inspired property-based testing tool for Erlang - document f
p   erlang-public-key                                            - Erlang/OTP public key infrastructure                                   
p   erlang-redis-client                                          - Redis client for Erlang applications                                   
p   erlang-reltool                                               - Erlang/OTP release management tool                                     
p   erlang-runtime-tools                                         - Erlang/OTP runtime tracing/debugging tools                             
p   erlang-snmp                                                  - Erlang/OTP SNMP applications                                           
p   erlang-src                                                   - Erlang/OTP applications sources                                        
p   erlang-ssh                                                   - Erlang/OTP implementation of SSH protocol                              
p   erlang-ssl                                                   - Erlang/OTP implementation of SSL                                       
p   erlang-syntax-tools                                          - Erlang/OTP modules for handling abstract Erlang syntax trees           
p   erlang-tools                                                 - Erlang/OTP various tools                                               
p   erlang-typer                                                 - Erlang/OTP code type annotator                                         
p   erlang-wx                                                    - Erlang/OTP bindings to wxWidgets                                       
p   erlang-x11                                                   - Erlang/OTP applications that require X Window System                   
p   erlang-xmerl                                                 - Erlang/OTP XML tools                                                   

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 21338
Зарегистрирован: 24 сен 2011, 14:22
Откуда: Харьков
Контактная информация:

Re: Astra Linux SE

Непрочитанное сообщение Olej » 28 авг 2019, 16:22

Даже обе линии компилятора, существующие в природе:

Код: Выделить всё

olej@astra:~$ aptitude search gccgo
p   gccgo                                                        - Go compiler, based on the GCC backend                                  
p   gccgo-6                                                      - GNU Go compiler                                                        
p   gccgo-6-multilib                                             - GNU Go compiler (multilib support)                                     
p   gccgo-go                                                     - Go programming language -- gccgo                                       
p   gccgo-multilib                                               - Go compiler, based on the GCC backend (multilib files)                 

Код: Выделить всё

olej@astra:~$ aptitude search golang
p   golang                                                       - Go programming language compiler - metapackage                         
p   golang-1.7                                                   - Go programming language compiler - metapackage                         
p   golang-1.7-doc                                               - Go programming language - documentation                                
p   golang-1.7-go                                                - Go programming language compiler, linker, compiled stdlib              
p   golang-1.7-src                                               - Go programming language - source files                                 
p   golang-any                                                   - Go programming language -- gccgo on "non-Go" platforms                 
p   golang-doc                                                   - Go programming language - documentation                                
p   golang-go                                                    - Go programming language compiler, linker, compiled stdlib              
p   golang-redhat-audit-dev                                      - Go client bindings for the libaudit library                            
p   golang-src                                                   - Go programming language - source files                                 

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 21338
Зарегистрирован: 24 сен 2011, 14:22
Откуда: Харьков
Контактная информация:

Re: Astra Linux SE

Непрочитанное сообщение Olej » 28 авг 2019, 16:39


Код: Выделить всё

olej@astra:~$ aptitude search ruby | grep ' ruby'
p  ruby - Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby (default version)
p  ruby-actionmailer - email composition, delivery, and receiving framework (part of Rails)
p  ruby-actionpack - web-flow and rendering framework putting the VC in MVC (part of Rails)
p  ruby-actionpack-action-caching - action caching for Action Pack
p  ruby-actionpack-xml-parser - XML parameters parser for Action Pack
p  ruby-actionview - framework for handling view template lookup and rendering (part of Rails)
p  ruby-activejob - job framework with pluggable queues
p  ruby-activemodel - toolkit for building modeling frameworks (part of Rails)
p  ruby-activerecord - object-relational mapper framework (part of Rails)
p  ruby-activesupport - Support and utility classes used by the Rails 4.1 framework
p  ruby-addressable - alternative URI implementation for Ruby
p  ruby-afm - Ruby library to read Adobe Font Metrics files
p  ruby-aggregate - Ruby class for accumulating aggregate statistics
p  ruby-all-dev - Ruby development environment (all versions supported in Debian)
v  ruby-amq-client - 
p  ruby-amq-protocol - AMQP 0.9.1 encoder & decoder
p  ruby-amqp - feature-rich, asynchronous AMQP client
p  ruby-ansi - ANSI escape codes at your fingertips
p  ruby-arel - SQL AST manager for Ruby
p  ruby-aruba - Cucumber extension for CLI applications
p  ruby-ascii85 - Ruby library to encode/decode the Ascii85 format
p  ruby-atomic - atomic reference implementation for JRuby, Rubinius, and MRI
p  ruby-augeas - Augeas bindings for the Ruby language
p  ruby-backports - backports of new features for older versions of Ruby
p  ruby-bacon - Small RSpec clone
p  ruby-bcat - pipe to browser utility
p  ruby-bcrypt - Ruby binding for the bcrypt() password hashing algorithm
p  ruby-blankslate - Ruby library providing a class with no predefined methods
p  ruby-bson - Ruby implementation of BSON
p  ruby-bson-ext - transitional dummy package
p  ruby-builder - Ruby library to facilitate programatic generation of XML markup
p  ruby-builder-doc - Ruby library to facilitate programatic generation of XML markup
p  ruby-bundler - Manage Ruby application dependencies (runtime)
p  ruby-certificate-authority - tool to manage the core functions outlined in RFC-3280 for PKI
p  ruby-chef-config - Chef configuration library
p  ruby-cheffish - library to manipulate Chef in Chef
p  ruby-childprocess - Ruby library for controlling external programs running in the background
p  ruby-chronic - natural language date parser
p  ruby-coderay - Ruby library for syntax highlighting
p  ruby-coffee-script - Ruby CoffeeScript Compiler
p  ruby-coffee-script-source - CoffeeScript Compiler - Ruby integration
p  ruby-compat-resource - cookbook with some features of Chef 12.5 in previous 12.X releases
p  ruby-concurrent - modern concurrency tools for Ruby
p  ruby-contest - Ruby library to write declarative tests using nested contexts
p  ruby-contracts - Contracts (a assert like) for Ruby
p  ruby-cookiejar - client-side HTTP cookie library
p  ruby-coveralls - Ruby implementation of the Coveralls API
p  ruby-crack - Ruby library to parse XML and JSON
p  ruby-creole - Creole common wiki markup language to HTML converter
p  ruby-css-parser - Ruby CSS parser library
p  ruby-cucumber-core - core library for the Cucumber application
p  ruby-cucumber-wire - Wire protocol for Cucumber (a ruby acceptance testing framework)
p  ruby-curb - Ruby libcurl bindings
p  ruby-daemons - Ruby daemons library
p  ruby-dalli - memcached client library for Ruby
p  ruby-deep-merge - recursively merge Hash elements in Ruby
p  ruby-delayed-job - database-backed asynchronous priority queue system
p  ruby-delorean - lets you travel in time with Ruby by mocking
p  ruby-dev - Header files for compiling extension modules for Ruby (default version)
p  ruby-did-you-mean - smart error messages for Ruby > 2.3
p  ruby-diff-lcs - McIlroy-Hunt longest common subsequence algorithm implementation
p  ruby-docile - Docile keeps your Ruby DSLs tame and well-behaved
p  ruby-domain-name - Domain Name manipulation library for Ruby
p  ruby-em-hiredis - fast and simple Redis client for EventMachine
p  ruby-em-hiredis-doc - fast and simple Redis client for EventMachine (documentation)
p  ruby-em-http-request - EventMachine based, async HTTP Request client
p  ruby-em-mongo - Ruby EventMachine driver for MongoDB
p  ruby-em-redis - eventmachine-based implementation of the Redis protocol
p  ruby-em-socksify - EventMachine SOCKSify shim: adds SOCKS support to any protocol
p  ruby-em-spec - BDD for Ruby/EventMachine
p  ruby-em-synchrony - fiber aware EventMachine libraries
p  ruby-erubis - fast and extensible eRuby implementation which supports multi-language
p  ruby-escape-utils - Faster string escaping routines for your web apps
p  ruby-ethon - libcurl wrapper using ffi
p  ruby-eventmachine - Ruby/EventMachine library
p  ruby-excon - Ruby library for creating fast, persistent, HTTP(S) connections
p  ruby-execjs - Run JavaScript code from Ruby
p  ruby-expression-parser - mathematical expression parser for Ruby
p  ruby-expression-parser-doc - mathematical expression parser for Ruby (documentation)
p  ruby-fakefs - Fake file system to be used in unit tests
p  ruby-faraday - HTTP/REST API client library
p  ruby-fast-xs - ruby extension for escaping text
p  ruby-ffi - load dynamic libraries, bind functions from within ruby code
p  ruby-ffi-yajl - Ruby FFI wrapper around YAJL 2.x
p  ruby-flexmock - simple and flexible mock objects for testing
p  ruby-formatador - Ruby STDOUT text formatting library
p  ruby-full - Ruby full installation (default version)
p  ruby-fuubar - instafailing RSpec progress bar formatter
p  ruby-fuzzyurl - non-strict parsing, construction, and wildcard-matching of URLs
p  ruby-geos - GEOS bindings for Ruby
p  ruby-gettext - gettext for Ruby
p  ruby-gherkin - lexer and parser for the Gherkin language in Ruby
p  ruby-globalid - reference models by URI for Ruby on Rails
p  ruby-haml - Elegant, structured XHTML/XML templating engine
p  ruby-hashdiff - library for computing the smallest difference between two hashes
p  ruby-hashery - facets-bread collection of Hash-like classes
p  ruby-hashie - small collection of tools that make hashes more powerful
p  ruby-highline - high-level interactive IO Ruby library
p  ruby-hike - Ruby library to find files in a set of paths
p  ruby-hiredis - Redis driver for Ruby using Hiredis
p  ruby-hmac - Ruby interface for HMAC algorithm
p  ruby-hoe - rake/rubygems helper for project Rakefiles
p  ruby-hpricot - fast, enjoyable HTML parser
p  ruby-htmlentities - Ruby library for handling HTML entities
p  ruby-http - easy-to-use client library for making http requests from Ruby
p  ruby-http-cookie - Ruby library to handle HTTP Cookies based on RFC 6265
p  ruby-http-form-data - utility-belt to build form data request bodies
p  ruby-http-parser.rb - Simple callback-based HTTP request/response parser
p  ruby-http-parser.rb-doc - Simple callback-based HTTP request/response parser (documentation)
p  ruby-httpclient - HTTP client library for ruby
p  ruby-i18n - I18n and localization solution for Ruby
p  ruby-indentation - Ruby extensions for Array and String classes
p  ruby-iniparse - library for parsing INI documents
p  ruby-instantiator - Ruby library to instantiate an arbitrary class
p  ruby-introspection - Ruby library for the inspection of method definitions on objects
p  ruby-ipaddress - Ruby library to manipulate IPv4/IPv6 addresses
p  ruby-jnunemaker-matchy - RSpec-like matcher system for use in Test::Unit
p  ruby-jquery-rails - jQuery for Rails 3+
p  ruby-json - JSON library for Ruby
p  ruby-kgio - Kinder, gentler I/O for Ruby
p  ruby-kramdown - Fast, pure-Ruby Markdown-superset converter
p  ruby-librdf - Ruby language bindings for the Redland RDF library
p  ruby-liquid - Ruby library for rendering safe HTML and email templates
p  ruby-locale - Locale library for Ruby
p  ruby-loofah - manipulation and transformation of HTML/XML documents and fragments
p  ruby-mail - Ruby library to handle email generation, parsing and sending
p  ruby-mapscript - MapServer library for Ruby
p  ruby-maruku - Markdown-superset interpreter written in Ruby
p  ruby-metaclass - Ruby library adding a metaclass method to all Ruby objects
p  ruby-method-source - Retrieve the sourcecode for a method as a Ruby string
p  ruby-mime-types - guess MIME type of files
p  ruby-mimemagic - fast MIME detection by extension or content
p  ruby-minitest - Ruby test tools supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking
p  ruby-minitest-excludes - Ruby unit tests helper library for MiniTest framework
p  ruby-minitest-reporters - creates customizable Minitest output formats
p  ruby-mixlib-archive - simple interface to various archive formats
p  ruby-mixlib-authentication - Simple Ruby mixin for creating a logger object
p  ruby-mixlib-cli - Ruby mixin for creating command line applications
p  ruby-mixlib-config - Simple class based config mechanism for Ruby
p  ruby-mixlib-log - Simple Ruby mixin for creating a logger object
p  ruby-mixlib-shellout - mixin library for subprocess management, output collection
p  ruby-mizuho - documentation formatting tool
p  ruby-mocha - Mocking and stubbing library for Ruby
p  ruby-mocha-doc - Mocking and stubbing library for Ruby - documentation
p  ruby-molinillo - generic dependency resolution algorithm
p  ruby-mongo - Ruby driver for MongoDB
p  ruby-msgpack - Ruby library for MessagePack
p  ruby-multi-json - Ruby library to provide easy switching between different JSON backends
p  ruby-multi-test - library to control autorun feature of test frameworks
p  ruby-multimap - Ruby multimap implementation
p  ruby-multipart-post - multipart form post accessory for Net::HTTP
p  ruby-mustache - Mustache is a framework-agnostic way to render logic-free views
p  ruby-mysql2 - simple, fast MySQL library for Ruby
p  ruby-net-http-persistent - Manages persistent connections using Net::HTTP
p  ruby-net-ldap - LDAP client library for Ruby
p  ruby-net-scp - pure ruby implementation of the SCP protocol
p  ruby-net-sftp - Ruby implementation of the SFTP protocol
p  ruby-net-ssh - Ruby implementation of the SSH protocol
p  ruby-net-ssh-gateway - Ruby library for tunneling connections to servers with ssh
p  ruby-net-ssh-multi - Ruby library for making multiple SSH connections to remote systems
p  ruby-net-telnet - telnet client library
p  ruby-netrc - Ruby library to read and write netrc files
p  ruby-nokogiri - HTML, XML, SAX, and Reader parser for Ruby
p  ruby-notmuch - Ruby interface to the notmuch mail search and index library
p  ruby-oj - fast JSON parser and serializer for Ruby
p  ruby-open4 - library for managing child processes in Ruby
p  ruby-openid - Ruby library for verifying and serving OpenID identities
p  ruby-org - Emacs org-mode parser for Ruby
p  ruby-passenger - transitional dummy package for passenger
p  ruby-passenger-doc - transitional dummy package for passenger-doc
p  ruby-pdf-core - Ruby library to render PDF documents
p  ruby-pdf-inspector - Ruby library for analyzing PDF output
p  ruby-pdf-reader - Ruby library for accessing the content of PDF files
p  ruby-pkg-config - pkg-config implementation for Ruby
p  ruby-plist - all-purpose property list manipulation library
p  ruby-polyglot - Custom language loaders for specified file extensions
p  ruby-power-assert - library showing values of variables and method calls in an expression
p  ruby-prawn - fast, nimble PDF generation library for Ruby
p  ruby-prawn-doc - fast, nimble PDF generation library for Ruby (documentation)
p  ruby-prawn-manual-builder - tool to write manuals for Prawn and Prawn accessories
p  ruby-prawn-table - table support for the Prawn PDF generation library
p  ruby-progressbar - Text progress bar library for Ruby
p  ruby-protected-attributes - Protect attributes from mass assignment in Active Record models
p  ruby-proxifier - add support for HTTP or SOCKS proxies
p  ruby-qdbm - QDBM Database Libraries for Ruby
p  ruby-rabl - Ruby templating library with JSON, BSON, XML and MessagePack support
p  ruby-rack - modular Ruby webserver interface
p  ruby-rack-cache - HTTP Caching for Rack
p  ruby-rack-mount - Stackable dynamic tree based Rack router
p  ruby-rack-openid - Ruby Rack library to provide access to OpenID
p  ruby-rack-protection - Protects against typical web attacks for Rack apps
p  ruby-rack-test - Simple testing API built on Rack
p  ruby-rails - MVC ruby based framework geared for web application development
p  ruby-rails-deprecated-sanitizer - HTML sanitizer API extracted from Action View
p  ruby-rails-dom-testing - SOM and Selector assertions for Rails applications
p  ruby-rails-html-sanitizer - HTML sanitization for Rails applications
p  ruby-rails-observers - toolkit to build Rails observers (part of Rails)
p  ruby-railties - tools for creating, working with, and running Rails applications
p  ruby-raindrops - Real-time stats for preforking Rack servers
p  ruby-rbpdf - Ruby library for PDF generation
p  ruby-rbpdf-font - Ruby library for PDF generation (font definitions)
p  ruby-rc4 - Ruby library implementing the RC4 algorithm
p  ruby-rd - RDTool library for Ruby - library
p  ruby-rdiscount - Discount Markdown Processor for Ruby
p  ruby-redcarpet - Fast, safe and extensible Markdown to (X)HTML parser for Ruby
p  ruby-redcloth - Textile module for Ruby
p  ruby-remcached - Ruby EventMachine memcached client
p  ruby-request-store - per-request global variable storage for Rack-based web servers
p  ruby-rest-client - simple REST client for Ruby
p  ruby-rgen - Ruby Modelling and Generator Framework
p  ruby-rinku - autolinker for Ruby
p  ruby-rinku-doc - autolinker for Ruby (documentation)
p  ruby-riot - fast, expressive, and context-driven unit-testing framework for Ruby
p  ruby-rmagick - ImageMagick API for Ruby
p  ruby-rmagick-doc - ImageMagick API for Ruby (documentation)
p  ruby-roadie - library for composing HTML email
p  ruby-roadie-rails - library for composing HTML email in Rails applications
p  ruby-ronn - Builds manuals from Markdown
p  ruby-rouge - pure-Ruby syntax highlighter compatible with pygments
p  ruby-rpam-ruby19 - PAM integration with Ruby
p  ruby-rr - test double framework for Ruby
p  ruby-rspec - Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby - metapackage
p  ruby-rspec-collection-matchers - Ruby RSpec CollectionMatchers
p  ruby-rspec-core - Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby - core
p  ruby-rspec-expectations - Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby - expectations
p  ruby-rspec-its - attribute matching extension for the RSpec BDD framework
p  ruby-rspec-mocks - Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby - mocks
p  ruby-rspec-support - Behaviour Driven Development framework for Ruby - support
p  ruby-rubypants - Ruby port of SmartyPants smart-quotes library
p  ruby-safe-yaml - safer YAML loader for Ruby
p  ruby-sass - powerful but elegant CSS compiler that makes CSS fun again
p  ruby-sass-rails - Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline
p  ruby-selinux - Ruby bindings to SELinux shared libraries
p  ruby-semanage - Ruby bindings to for SELinux policy management
p  ruby-serverspec - RSpec tests for your servers configured by Puppet, Chef or anything else
p  ruby-session - persistent connections with external programs like bash (via pipes)
p  ruby-setup - the setup.rb install tool for Ruby
p  ruby-shadow - interface of shadow password for Ruby
p  ruby-shindo - simple depth first Ruby testing
p  ruby-shoulda - additional features for the Test::Unit testing framework
p  ruby-shoulda-context - context framework for Test::Unit
p  ruby-shoulda-matchers - Test helpers for Rails applications, compatible with Test::Unit and RSpec
p  ruby-simplecov - code coverage for Ruby 1.9+
p  ruby-simplecov-html - default HTML formatter for SimpleCov code coverage tool
p  ruby-sinatra - Ruby web-development dressed in a DSL
p  ruby-sinatra-contrib - collection of useful extensions to the Sinatra web framework
p  ruby-slim - powerful (X)HTML templating engine with an elegant syntax
p  ruby-slop - Simple DSL for gathering options and parsing the command lineOption
p  ruby-specinfra - Common layer for serverspec and configspec
p  ruby-sprockets - Rack-based asset packaging system
p  ruby-sprockets-rails - Sprockets Rails integration (part of Rails)
p  ruby-spy - simple modern mocking library using the spy pattern
p  ruby-sqlite3 - SQLite3 interface for Ruby
p  ruby-stringex - Some useful extensions to Ruby's String class
p  ruby-svn - Ruby bindings for Apache Subversion
p  ruby-syslog-logger - improved Logger replacement that logs to syslog
p  ruby-systemu - universal child process handling Ruby library
p  ruby-tcltk - Tcl/Tk interface for Ruby
p  ruby-temple - template compilation framework in Ruby
p  ruby-term-ansicolor - Ruby library that colors strings using ANSI escape sequences
p  ruby-termios - termios simple wrapper for Ruby
p  ruby-test-declarative - adds a declarative test method syntax to test/unit
p  ruby-test-unit - unit testing framework for Ruby
p  ruby-test-unit-rr - RR adapter for Ruby Test::Unit
p  ruby-text - Collection of text algorithms for Ruby
p  ruby-thor - Ruby scripting framework
p  ruby-thread-order - test helper for ordering threaded code
p  ruby-thread-safe - thread-safe collections and utilities for Ruby
p  ruby-tilt - Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
p  ruby-timecop - Ruby library to easily test time-dependent code
p  ruby-tins - useful tools library in Ruby
p  ruby-treetop - Ruby-based text parsing and interpretation DSL
p  ruby-ttfunk - Ruby library to parse TrueType font metrics
p  ruby-typhoeus - parallel HTTP library on top of ethon
p  ruby-tzinfo - Daylight-savings aware timezone library
p  ruby-unf - Wrapper library to bring Unicode Normalization Form support to Ruby
p  ruby-unf-ext - Unicode Normalization Form support library for CRuby
p  ruby-uuidtools - UUIDs generation library for Ruby
p  ruby-uuidtools-doc - UUIDs generation library for Ruby - documentation
p  ruby-webmock - library for stubbing HTTP requests in Ruby
p  ruby-wikicloth - MediaWiki markup language parser for Ruby
p  ruby-xapian - Xapian search engine interface for Ruby
p  ruby-yajl - Ruby interface to Yajl, a JSON stream-based parser library
p  ruby2.3 - Interpreter of object-oriented scripting language Ruby
p  ruby2.3-dev - Header files for compiling extension modules for the Ruby 2.3
p  ruby2.3-doc - Documentation for Ruby 2.3
p  ruby2.3-tcltk - Ruby/Tk for Ruby 2.3
v  ruby2.3:any - 
v  ruby:any - 
v  rubygems - 
p  rubygems-integration - integration of Debian Ruby packages with Rubygems
v  rubygems:any - 

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 21338
Зарегистрирован: 24 сен 2011, 14:22
Откуда: Харьков
Контактная информация:

Re: Astra Linux SE

Непрочитанное сообщение Olej » 28 авг 2019, 16:50


Код: Выделить всё

olej@astra:~$ aptitude search node | wc -l

Код: Выделить всё

olej@astra:~$ aptitude show nodejs
Пакет: nodejs                                    
Версия: 8.11.1~dfsg-2
Состояние: не установлен
Приоритет: необязательный
Раздел: javascript
Сопровождающий: Debian Javascript Maintainers <>
Архитектура: amd64
Размер в распакованном виде: 18,5 M
Зависит: libc-ares2 (>= 1.11.0~rc1), libc6 (>= 2.14), libgcc1 (>= 1:3.4), libhttp-parser2.8 (>= 2.7.1), libicu57 (>= 57.1-1~),
         libnghttp2-14 (>= 1.25.0), libssl1.0.2 (>= 1.0.2d), libstdc++6 (>= 5.2), libuv1 (>= 1.18.0), zlib1g (>= 1:1.1.4)
Рекомендует: ca-certificates, nodejs-doc
Конфликтует: nodejs-legacy
Заменяет: nodejs-legacy
Предоставляет: nodejs-abi-57
Описание: evented I/O for V8 javascript
 Node.js is a platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications. Node.js uses an
 event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run
 across distributed devices. 
 Node.js is bundled with several useful libraries to handle server tasks: 
 System, Events, Standard I/O, Modules, Timers, Child Processes, POSIX, HTTP, Multipart Parsing, TCP, DNS, Assert, Path, URL, Query
Домашняя страница:

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 21338
Зарегистрирован: 24 сен 2011, 14:22
Откуда: Харьков
Контактная информация:

Re: Astra Linux SE

Непрочитанное сообщение Olej » 28 авг 2019, 16:57


Код: Выделить всё

olej@astra:~$ aptitude search lua | grep ' lua' | wc -l

Код: Выделить всё

olej@astra:~$ aptitude search tcl | grep ' tcl'
p  tcl - Tool Command Language (default version) - shell
p  tcl-dev - Tool Command Language (default version) - development files
p  tcl-doc - Tool Command Language (default version) - manual pages
i  tcl-expect - Automates interactive applications (Tcl package)
p  tcl-expect-dev - Automates interactive applications (development)
p  tcl8.6 - Tcl (the Tool Command Language) v8.6 - shell
p  tcl8.6-dev - Tcl (the Tool Command Language) v8.6 - development files
p  tcl8.6-doc - Tcl (the Tool Command Language) v8.6 - manual pages
v  tcldoc - 
v  tclsh - 
p  tclxapian - Xapian search engine interface for Tcl

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 21338
Зарегистрирован: 24 сен 2011, 14:22
Откуда: Харьков
Контактная информация:

Re: Astra Linux SE

Непрочитанное сообщение Olej » 28 авг 2019, 17:29


Код: Выделить всё

olej@astra:~$ aptitude search rust | grep ' rust'
p  rust-doc - Rust systems programming language - Documentation
p  rust-gdb - Rust debugger (gdb)
p  rust-lldb - Rust debugger (lldb)
p  rust-src - Rust systems programming language - source code
p  rustc - Rust systems programming language
v  rustc:any - 

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 21338
Зарегистрирован: 24 сен 2011, 14:22
Откуда: Харьков
Контактная информация:

Re: Astra Linux SE

Непрочитанное сообщение Olej » 28 авг 2019, 17:34

Scheme / LISP

Код: Выделить всё

olej@astra:~$ aptitude search guile
v   guile                                                        -                                                                        
p   guile-2.0                                                    - GNU extension language and Scheme interpreter                          
p   guile-2.0-dev                                                - Development files for Guile 2.0                                        
p   guile-2.0-doc                                                - Documentation for Guile 2.0                                            
p   guile-2.0-libs                                               - Core Guile libraries                                                   
v   guile-2.0-slib                                               -                                                                        
v   guile-2.0:any                                                -                                                                        
v   guile:any                                                    -                                                                        
v   libguile-dev                                                 -                                                                        
p   libgv-guile                                                  - Guile bindings for graphviz                                            
p   make-guile                                                   - utility for directing compilation with guile support                   
v   make-guile:any                                               -                                                                        

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 21338
Зарегистрирован: 24 сен 2011, 14:22
Откуда: Харьков
Контактная информация:

Re: Astra Linux SE

Непрочитанное сообщение Olej » 28 авг 2019, 17:38

Ocaml / ML

Код: Выделить всё

olej@astra:~$ aptitude search ocaml | grep ' ocaml'
p  ocaml - ML language implementation with a class-based object system
v  ocaml-4.02.3 - 
p  ocaml-base - Runtime system for OCaml bytecode executables
v  ocaml-base-4.02.3 - 
p  ocaml-base-nox - Runtime system for OCaml bytecode executables (no X)
v  ocaml-base-nox-4.02.3 - 
v  ocaml-best-compilers - 
p  ocaml-compiler-libs - OCaml interpreter and standard libraries
v  ocaml-compiler-libs-4.02.3 - 
p  ocaml-findlib - management tool for OCaml libraries
p  ocaml-interp - OCaml interactive interpreter and standard libraries
v  ocaml-interp-4.02.3 - 
p  ocaml-mode - major mode for editing Objective Caml in Emacs
p  ocaml-native-compilers - Native code compilers of the OCaml suite (the .opt ones)
p  ocaml-nox - ML implementation with a class-based object system (no X)
v  ocaml-nox-4.02.3 - 

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 21338
Зарегистрирован: 24 сен 2011, 14:22
Откуда: Харьков
Контактная информация:

Re: Astra Linux SE

Непрочитанное сообщение Olej » 28 авг 2019, 17:51


Код: Выделить всё

olej@astra:~$ aptitude search scala
p   libscalar-list-utils-perl                                    - modules providing common scalar and list utility subroutines           
p   libset-scalar-perl                                           - Perl interface for operations on finite sets                           

Код: Выделить всё

olej@astra:~$ aptitude search swift
p   libphp-swiftmailer                                           - transitional dummy package                                             
p   php-swiftmailer                                              - Swiftmailer, free feature-rich PHP mailer                              
p   php-symfony-swiftmailer-bridge                               - integration for Swift Mailer with Symfony Components                   

Код: Выделить всё

olej@astra:~$ aptitude search idea
olej@astra:~$ aptitude search kotlin
Этого всего нет.

Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 21338
Зарегистрирован: 24 сен 2011, 14:22
Откуда: Харьков
Контактная информация:

Re: Astra Linux SE

Непрочитанное сообщение Olej » 28 авг 2019, 17:54

Ну и совсем для любителей экзотики ... или совместимости со старыми естественнонаучными проектами - Fortran:

Код: Выделить всё

olej@astra:~$ aptitude search fortran
v   fortran-compiler                                             -                                                                        
v   fortran95-compiler                                           -                                                                        
p   gfortran                                                     - GNU Fortran 95 compiler                                                
p   gfortran-6                                                   - GNU Fortran compiler                                                   
p   gfortran-6-multilib                                          - GNU Fortran compiler (multilib support)                                
p   gfortran-mingw-w64                                           - GNU Fortran compiler for MinGW-w64                                     
p   gfortran-mingw-w64-i686                                      - GNU Fortran compiler for MinGW-w64 targeting Win32                     
p   gfortran-mingw-w64-x86-64                                    - GNU Fortran compiler for MinGW-w64 targeting Win64                     
v   gfortran-mod-14                                              -                                                                        
p   gfortran-multilib                                            - GNU Fortran 95 compiler (multilib files)                               
p   lib32gfortran-6-dev                                          - Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32bit development files) 
p   lib32gfortran3                                               - Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (32bit)                   
p   libgfortran-6-dev                                            - Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (development files)       
p   libgfortran3                                                 - Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications                           
p   libx32gfortran-6-dev                                         - Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (x32 development files)   
p   libx32gfortran3                                              - Runtime library for GNU Fortran applications (x32)                     


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