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Добавлено: 18 авг 2023, 20:20
Olej писал(а):
18 авг 2023, 20:01
OpenWrt on VirtualBox HowTo
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-08-46.png
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-08-46.png (76.56 КБ) 439 просмотров
Памятия могу не жалеть - мне для работы надо
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-09-33.png
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-09-33.png (60.83 КБ) 439 просмотров
Ранее подготовленный .vdi добавить и указать как системный диск:
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-12-52.png
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-12-52.png (49.13 КБ) 439 просмотров
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-13-10.png
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-13-10.png (86.58 КБ) 439 просмотров
Создать VM :!:


Добавлено: 18 авг 2023, 20:30
The configuration you will set up by following this tutorial is:
* eth0 of the VM on mng (management) interface, fixed address, set in VirtualBox as Host-only Adapter on adapter vboxnet0. This interface will be always available to the host even if host or VM are disconnected from any network.
* eth1 of the VM on wan interface, dynamic address, set in VirtualBox as NAT. This interface will be used to access the Internet through whatever setup the host also uses.
* (optional) eth2 of the VM on lan interface, configured depending on your local network, set in VirtualBox as Bridged Adapter. This interface allows other devices (host included) to connect to the VM as if it was a physical device in the local network. Will only work if there is already a local network of some kind.
* For a setup with 2 bridged physical network cards WAN/LAN Setup see troubleshooting. The rest of this guide applies to a setup with 2 physical cards as well.
Пока так:
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-23-47.png
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-23-47.png (53.02 КБ) 439 просмотров
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-33-55.png
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-33-55.png (65.92 КБ) 439 просмотров
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-28-11.png
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-28-11.png (55.38 КБ) 439 просмотров


Добавлено: 18 авг 2023, 21:09
Первая загрузка...
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-43-46.png
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-43-46.png (28.5 КБ) 439 просмотров
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-45-55.png
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-45-55.png (37.74 КБ) 439 просмотров
К этой точке мы имеем root без пароля...
В этой консоли проверяем (как в инструкции выше):

Код: Выделить всё

root@openwrt:~# uci show network
На хост-машине к этому времени уже есть новый сетевой интерфейс:

Код: Выделить всё

olej@R420:~$ ip a s dev vboxnet0
5: vboxnet0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 0a:00:27:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global vboxnet0
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fda8:9df7:51d0:0:5353:8d23:f8b7:aa41/64 scope global temporary dynamic
       valid_lft 604356sec preferred_lft 85916sec
    inet6 fda8:9df7:51d0:0:800:27ff:fe00:0/64 scope global dynamic mngtmpaddr
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::800:27ff:fe00:0/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
И выполняем конфигурирование IP интерфейса хоста:
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-54-03.png
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-54-03.png (39.09 КБ) 439 просмотров


Добавлено: 18 авг 2023, 21:15
... после reboot имеем ту же консоль:
Но уже можем на терминале хоста проверить сетевую прозрачность к OpenWRT:

Код: Выделить всё

olej@R420:~$ ping -c3
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.623 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.422 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.669 ms

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 2033ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.422/0.571/0.669/0.107 ms
И тут же подключиться к хосту по SSH (root без пароля):
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-57-07.png
Снимок экрана от 2023-08-18 20-57-07.png (74.38 КБ) 439 просмотров
Дальше я смогу создавать сколько угодно терминальных сессий к OpenWRT:

Код: Выделить всё

olej@R420:~$ ssh -lroot

BusyBox v1.35.0 (2023-04-09 12:27:46 UTC) built-in shell (ash)

  _______                     ________        __
 |       |.-----.-----.-----.|  |  |  |.----.|  |_
 |   -   ||  _  |  -__|     ||  |  |  ||   _||   _|
 |_______||   __|_____|__|__||________||__|  |____|
          |__| W I R E L E S S   F R E E D O M
 OpenWrt 22.03.4, r20123-38ccc47687
=== WARNING! =====================================
There is no root password defined on this device!
Use the "passwd" command to set up a new password
in order to prevent unauthorized SSH logins.

Код: Выделить всё

root@OpenWrt:~# ip a s
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel master br-lan state UP qlen 1000
    link/ether 08:00:27:09:6b:a7 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
3: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP qlen 1000
    link/ether 08:00:27:4c:36:cf brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global eth1
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::a00:27ff:fe4c:36cf/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
4: eth2: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN qlen 1000
    link/ether 08:00:27:4f:95:2a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
5: br-lan: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP qlen 1000
    link/ether 08:00:27:09:6b:a7 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global br-lan
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fda8:9df7:51d0::1/60 scope global noprefixroute 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::a00:27ff:fe09:6ba7/64 scope link 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever


Добавлено: 18 авг 2023, 21:22
Olej писал(а):
18 авг 2023, 21:15
Дальше я смогу создавать сколько угодно терминальных сессий к OpenWRT:

Код: Выделить всё

root@OpenWrt:~# uname -a
Linux OpenWrt 5.10.176 #0 SMP Sun Apr 9 12:27:46 2023 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Код: Выделить всё

root@OpenWrt:~# df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root               104788     19040     83620  19% /
tmpfs                  2018440        68   2018372   0% /tmp
/dev/sda1                16084      5308     10452  34% /boot
/dev/sda1                16084      5308     10452  34% /boot
tmpfs                      512         0       512   0% /dev

Код: Выделить всё

root@OpenWrt:~# free
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:        4036880       25640     3997772          68       13468     3962464
Swap:             0           0           0

Код: Выделить всё

root@OpenWrt:~# ping -c3
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=63 time=12.290 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=63 time=12.602 ms
64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=63 time=12.021 ms

--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 12.021/12.304/12.602 ms

Код: Выделить всё

root@OpenWrt:~# ls /bin
ash              dd               gzip             mount            ps               traceroute
board_detect     df               ipcalc.sh        mv               pwd              traceroute6
busybox          dmesg            kill             netmsg           rm               true
cat              echo             ln               netstat          rmdir            ubus
chgrp            egrep            lock             nice             sed              uclient-fetch
chmod            false            login            opkg             sh               umount
chown            fgrep            ls               passwd           sleep            uname
config_generate  fsync            mkdir            pidof            sync             vi
cp               grep             mknod            ping             tar              zcat
date             gunzip           mktemp           ping6            touch

Код: Выделить всё

root@OpenWrt:~# ls /sbin
askfirst           ifstatus           logread            poweroff           swapoff            upgraded
devstatus          ifup               lsmod              procd              swapon             urandom_seed
firstboot          init               luci-reload        reboot             switch_root        urngd
fw3                insmod             mkswap             reload_config      sysctl             utrace
fw4                ip                 modinfo            rmmod              sysupgrade         validate_data
halt               jffs2mark          modprobe           route              ubusd              wifi
hotplug-call       jffs2reset         mount_root         rpcd               uci
hwclock            kmodloader         mtd                seccomp-trace      udevtrigger
ifconfig           led.sh             netifd             service            udhcpc
ifdown             logd               pivot_root         start-stop-daemon  ujail


Добавлено: 18 авг 2023, 21:41
Olej писал(а):
18 авг 2023, 21:15
смогу создавать
Пакетная система:

Код: Выделить всё

root@OpenWrt:~opkg --help
opkg: unrecognized option: help
opkg must have one sub-command argument
usage: opkg [options...] sub-command [arguments...]
where sub-command is one of:

Package Manipulation:
	update			Update list of available packages
	upgrade <pkgs>		Upgrade packages
	install <pkgs>		Install package(s)
	configure <pkgs>	Configure unpacked package(s)
	remove <pkgs|regexp>	Remove package(s)
	flag <flag> <pkgs>	Flag package(s)
	 <flag>=hold|noprune|user|ok|installed|unpacked (one per invocation)

Informational Commands:
	list			List available packages
	list-installed		List installed packages
	list-upgradable		List installed and upgradable packages
	list-changed-conffiles	List user modified configuration files
	files <pkg>		List files belonging to <pkg>
	search <file|regexp>	List package providing <file>
	find <regexp>		List packages whose name or description matches <regexp>
	info [pkg|regexp]	Display all info for <pkg>
	status [pkg|regexp]	Display all status for <pkg>
	download <pkg>		Download <pkg> to current directory
	compare-versions <v1> <op> <v2>
	                    compare versions using <= < > >= = << >>
	print-architecture	List installable package architectures
	depends [-A] [pkgname|pat]+
	whatdepends [-A] [pkgname|pat]+
	whatdependsrec [-A] [pkgname|pat]+
	whatrecommends[-A] [pkgname|pat]+
	whatsuggests[-A] [pkgname|pat]+
	whatprovides [-A] [pkgname|pat]+
	whatconflicts [-A] [pkgname|pat]+
	whatreplaces [-A] [pkgname|pat]+

	-A			Query all packages not just those installed
	-V[<level>]		Set verbosity level to <level>.
	--verbosity[=<level>]	Verbosity levels:
					0 errors only
					1 normal messages (default)
					2 informative messages
					3 debug
					4 debug level 2
	-f <conf_file>		Use <conf_file> as the opkg configuration file
	--conf <conf_file>
	--cache <directory>	Use a package cache
	-d <dest_name>		Use <dest_name> as the the root directory for
	--dest <dest_name>	package installation, removal, upgrading.
				<dest_name> should be a defined dest name from
				the configuration file, (but can also be a
				directory name in a pinch).
	-o <dir>		Use <dir> as the root directory for
	--offline-root <dir>	offline installation of packages.
	--verify-program <path>	Use the given program to verify usign signatures
	--add-arch <arch>:<prio>	Register architecture with given priority
	--add-dest <name>:<path>	Register destination with given path

Force Options:
	--force-depends		Install/remove despite failed dependencies
	--force-maintainer	Overwrite preexisting config files
	--force-reinstall	Reinstall package(s)
	--force-overwrite	Overwrite files from other package(s)
	--force-downgrade	Allow opkg to downgrade packages
	--force-space		Disable free space checks
	--force-postinstall	Run postinstall scripts even in offline mode
	--force-remove	Remove package even if prerm script fails
	--force-checksum	Don't fail on checksum mismatches
	--no-check-certificate Don't validate SSL certificates
	--noaction		No action -- test only
	--download-only	No action -- download only
	--nodeps		Do not follow dependencies
	--nocase		Perform case insensitive pattern matching
	--size			Print package size when listing available packages
	--strip-abi		Print package name without appended ABI version
				Remove package and all dependencies
	--autoremove		Remove packages that were installed
				automatically to satisfy dependencies
	-t			Specify tmp-dir.
	--tmp-dir		Specify tmp-dir.
	-l			Specify lists-dir.
	--lists-dir		Specify lists-dir.

 regexp could be something like 'pkgname*' '*file*' or similar
 e.g. opkg info 'libstd*' or opkg search '*libop*' or opkg remove 'libncur*'


Добавлено: 18 авг 2023, 21:46
Olej писал(а):
18 авг 2023, 21:41
Пакетная система:
Первейщим делом просто тупо обновиться:

Код: Выделить всё

root@OpenWrt:~# opkg update
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/targets/x86/64/packages/Packages.gz
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_core
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/targets/x86/64/packages/Packages.sig
Signature check passed.
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/base/Packages.gz
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_base
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/base/Packages.sig
Signature check passed.
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/luci/Packages.gz
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_luci
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/luci/Packages.sig
Signature check passed.
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/packages/Packages.gz
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_packages
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/packages/Packages.sig
Signature check passed.
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/routing/Packages.gz
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_routing
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/routing/Packages.sig
Signature check passed.
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/telephony/Packages.gz
Updated list of available packages in /var/opkg-lists/openwrt_telephony
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/telephony/Packages.sig
Signature check passed.

Код: Выделить всё

root@OpenWrt:~# opkg list-upgradable
bnx2-firmware - 20220411-1 - 20230804-1
luci-mod-system - git-23.013.73113-588381e - git-23.118.78821-0c02883
r8169-firmware - 20220411-1 - 20230804-1
luci-mod-status - git-23.093.42411-713f701 - git-23.158.78816-1c26abc
uclient-fetch - 2021-05-14-6a6011df-1 - 2023-04-13-007d9454-1
luci-base - git-23.093.57104-ce20b4a - git-23.119.80898-65ef406
uhttpd - 2022-10-31-23977554-1 - 2023-06-25-34a8a74d-1
ca-bundle - 20211016-1 - 20230311-1
libuclient20201210 - 2021-05-14-6a6011df-1 - 2023-04-13-007d9454-1
luci-mod-network - git-23.093.42704-52965f4 - git-23.170.81153-99d3815
uhttpd-mod-ubus - 2022-10-31-23977554-1 - 2023-06-25-34a8a74d-1


Добавлено: 18 авг 2023, 22:47
У opkg нет, как у apt опций "обновить всё"...
Но для этого используют разнообразные скрипты ... например так - How do I upgrade all of my installed packages in OpenWRT?:

Код: Выделить всё

root@OpenWrt:~# opkg list-upgradable | cut -f 1 -d ' ' | xargs -r opkg upgrade
Upgrading bnx2-firmware on root from 20220411-1 to 20230804-1...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/base/bnx2-firmware_20230804-1_x86_64.ipk
Removing obsolete file /lib/firmware/bnx2/bnx2-mips-06-6.2.1.fw.
Removing obsolete file /lib/firmware/bnx2/bnx2-rv2p-06-5.0.0.j3.fw.
Removing obsolete file /lib/firmware/bnx2/bnx2-mips-06-5.0.0.j6.fw.
Removing obsolete file /lib/firmware/bnx2/bnx2-mips-09-5.0.0.j15.fw.
Removing obsolete file /lib/firmware/bnx2/bnx2-rv2p-09ax-5.0.0.j3.fw.
Removing obsolete file /lib/firmware/bnx2/bnx2-rv2p-09-5.0.0.j3.fw.
Removing obsolete file /lib/firmware/bnx2/bnx2-rv2p-09ax-5.0.0.j10.fw.
Removing obsolete file /lib/firmware/bnx2/bnx2-mips-09-6.2.1a.fw.
Removing obsolete file /lib/firmware/bnx2/bnx2-rv2p-09-5.0.0.j10.fw.
Removing obsolete file /lib/firmware/bnx2/bnx2-mips-09-5.0.0.j9.fw.
Removing obsolete file /lib/firmware/bnx2/bnx2-mips-06-4.6.16.fw.
Removing obsolete file /lib/firmware/bnx2/bnx2-mips-09-4.6.17.fw.
Removing obsolete file /lib/firmware/bnx2/bnx2-rv2p-09-4.6.15.fw.
Removing obsolete file /lib/firmware/bnx2/bnx2-rv2p-06-4.6.16.fw.
Removing obsolete file /lib/firmware/bnx2/bnx2-mips-06-6.0.15.fw.
Removing obsolete file /lib/firmware/bnx2/bnx2-mips-06-5.0.0.j3.fw.
Removing obsolete file /lib/firmware/bnx2/bnx2-mips-09-6.2.1.fw.
Removing obsolete file /lib/firmware/bnx2/bnx2-mips-09-6.0.17.fw.
Removing obsolete file /lib/firmware/bnx2/bnx2-mips-09-5.0.0.j3.fw.
Upgrading luci-mod-system on root from git-23.013.73113-588381e to git-23.118.78821-0c02883...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/luci/luci-mod-system_git-23.118.78821-0c02883_all.ipk
Upgrading r8169-firmware on root from 20220411-1 to 20230804-1...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/base/r8169-firmware_20230804-1_x86_64.ipk
Upgrading luci-mod-status on root from git-23.093.42411-713f701 to git-23.158.78816-1c26abc...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/luci/luci-mod-status_git-23.158.78816-1c26abc_x86_64.ipk
Upgrading uclient-fetch on root from 2021-05-14-6a6011df-1 to 2023-04-13-007d9454-1...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/base/uclient-fetch_2023-04-13-007d9454-1_x86_64.ipk
Upgrading luci-base on root from git-23.093.57104-ce20b4a to git-23.119.80898-65ef406...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/luci/luci-base_git-23.119.80898-65ef406_x86_64.ipk
Upgrading uhttpd on root from 2022-10-31-23977554-1 to 2023-06-25-34a8a74d-1...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/base/uhttpd_2023-06-25-34a8a74d-1_x86_64.ipk
Upgrading ca-bundle on root from 20211016-1 to 20230311-1...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/base/ca-bundle_20230311-1_all.ipk
Upgrading libuclient20201210 on root from 2021-05-14-6a6011df-1 to 2023-04-13-007d9454-1...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/base/libuclient20201210_2023-04-13-007d9454-1_x86_64.ipk
Upgrading luci-mod-network on root from git-23.093.42704-52965f4 to git-23.170.81153-99d3815...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/luci/luci-mod-network_git-23.170.81153-99d3815_all.ipk
Upgrading uhttpd-mod-ubus on root from 2022-10-31-23977554-1 to 2023-06-25-34a8a74d-1...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/base/uhttpd-mod-ubus_2023-06-25-34a8a74d-1_x86_64.ipk
Configuring libuclient20201210.
Configuring uclient-fetch.
Configuring bnx2-firmware.
Configuring luci-base.
Configuring luci-mod-system.
Configuring r8169-firmware.
Configuring luci-mod-status.
Configuring luci-mod-network.
Configuring uhttpd.
Configuring uhttpd-mod-ubus.
Configuring ca-bundle.
Collected errors:
 * resolve_conffiles: Existing conffile /etc/config/luci is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/config/luci-opkg.
 * resolve_conffiles: Existing conffile /etc/config/uhttpd is different from the conffile in the new package. The new conffile will be placed at /etc/config/uhttpd-opkg.
После чего:

Код: Выделить всё

root@OpenWrt:~# opkg list-upgradable


Добавлено: 18 авг 2023, 23:56
Olej писал(а):
18 авг 2023, 21:46
Пакетная система:

Код: Выделить всё

root@OpenWrt:~# opkg find mc
mc - 4.8.27-3 - GNU Midnight Commander is a visual file manager.
 It's a feature rich full-screen text mode application that allows you to copy,
 move and delete files and whole directory trees, search for files and run commands in the subshell.
 Internal viewer and editor are included as well.

Код: Выделить всё

root@OpenWrt:~# opkg install mc
Installing mc (4.8.27-3) to root...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/packages/mc_4.8.27-3_x86_64.ipk
Installing zlib (1.2.11-6) to root...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/base/zlib_1.2.11-6_x86_64.ipk
Installing libffi (3.4.2-2) to root...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/packages/libffi_3.4.2-2_x86_64.ipk
Installing libattr (2.5.1-1) to root...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/packages/libattr_2.5.1-1_x86_64.ipk
Installing libpcre (8.45-3) to root...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/base/libpcre_8.45-3_x86_64.ipk
Installing glib2 (2.70.5-4) to root...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/packages/glib2_2.70.5-4_x86_64.ipk
Installing terminfo (6.3-2) to root...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/base/terminfo_6.3-2_x86_64.ipk
Installing libncurses6 (6.3-2) to root...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/base/libncurses6_6.3-2_x86_64.ipk
Installing libmount1 (2.37.4-1) to root...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/base/libmount1_2.37.4-1_x86_64.ipk
Installing libopenssl1.1 (1.1.1v-1) to root...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/base/libopenssl1.1_1.1.1v-1_x86_64.ipk
Installing libssh2-1 (1.9.0-2) to root...
Downloading https://downloads.openwrt.org/releases/22.03.4/packages/x86_64/packages/libssh2-1_1.9.0-2_x86_64.ipk
Configuring terminfo.
Configuring zlib.
Configuring libffi.
Configuring libattr.
Configuring libpcre.
Configuring glib2.
Configuring libncurses6.
Configuring libmount1.
Configuring libopenssl1.1.
Configuring libssh2-1.
Configuring mc.

Код: Выделить всё

root@OpenWrt:~# mc


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